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Computer Science Programs

The Environmental Center is working to establish a computer science program that focuses on geographic information systems (GIS) and geohazard management.

Each program is specialized for classrooms and is dependent on the ability to use open source mapping programs.

Our computer science programs are offered for schools that have access to computers for their students. Our programs are taught by a GIS Graduate student that specializes in Environmental Remote Sensing.

What these programs can offer:

  • Understanding of data sources

  • Comprehension about how information is received by different audiences

  • Inquiry based research driven by current events within the students community

  • Develop critical thinking, technical writing, artistic interpretation, speech, community engagement, leadership, and teamwork skills

  • Connecting students to take an active role in their environment and communities

  • Offering a platform for students to address their concerns in a well informed capacity

Available Programs

Open Source Mapping through QGIS

Offered: Year Round

An interactive learning experience for students to learn the art and science behind map making. Using open source software, students learn what goes into making a map, how data is gathered and used, and the different functions maps serve. Students will work on generating their own maps based on current or past topics in their communities starting with data acquisition to create a final map that will be used in a symposium. Students will gain experience with data science, geographic information systems, marketing and visualization, as well as developing consice inquiry based research. At the end of the program, students will put together a conference poster and present in a symposium either at their school or at the Environmental Center.

Geohazards Management

Offered: Year Round

Students explore historical and current environmental issues in their communities and identify research questions they would like to solve. Students will conduct interviews, surveys, and collect data for statistical analysis in order to produce a formal recommendation to their community officials with their findings. Students will either create their own maps through open source software or create prediction models through field analysis and data that can be collected from open source sites like USGS. Students will present a final product with their recommendations on what can be done to help mitigate the environmental challenge that they chose.

Contact us to schedule a Computer Science Program!