The Environmental Center


The Environmental Center hosts elementary, middle, high school, and home-school field trip classes, family programs, adult lectures, and participatory science programs for the community to appreciate, understand, and protect their natural environment. All programs are listed on our calendar of events, and notice of programs will be sent out via our emailing list.

The Environmental Center, opened in 2015, has a classroom and exhibit gallery, including a kids corner. Coming soon are new permanent exhibits!  


The Environmental Center’s mission is to inspire and educate residents and visitors to the Upper Chesapeake Bay region to appreciate, understand, and protect their natural environment.

Our Generous Donors  

Chesapeake Bay Trust:

  • Through the Trust, we have had the benefit of a full-time Chesapeake Conservation & Climate Corps Member.

  • Our wetland restoration and riparian restoration projects are supported by grants from The Chesapeake Bay Trust. These grants provide funding education, outreach, plants, equipment, invasive plant removal, soil, etc.

    • Other donors who have contributed towards Environmental Center programs include Chesapeake Bay Trust, BGE, the JM Huber Corporation, the Crystal Trust Foundation, Stack & Store, Vulcan Materials, Toni and Darrell Bench, Kuzma Technologies, John and Laura Haug, Bruce Russell, the City of Havre de Grace, and Harford County.

    • We would also like to thank Octoraro Native Plant Nursery of Kirkwood, PA for the very generous donation of several native wetland trees and shrubs for our restoration project.

Lower Susquehanna Heritage Greenway (LSHG) has enable the Environmental Center to expand and enhance our programs, create a safer environment for our guests, and provided updated electronic teaching tools.

Follow the Maritime Museum and Environmental Center on Facebook and Instagram for the latest updates!