Boat Shop

On our ground floor, we have a boat shop that renovates and restores old wooden boats and builds replicas of early and mid-20th century classic wooden boats. This work is conducted by our volunteers, both with experience as well as novices. Examples of the work of our “team” are in both our main gallery and in the ground floor of the Museum.

Volunteer boat builders are welcome to join our team.  Experience is not necessary! Please fill out an online application or stop by the museum.

Projects include renovation of an early 20th century single-person racing scull and a Herreshoff pram, GRACE (right), both on display in the museum. We have also built a small child's wooden sailboat, an “Opti,” in collaboration with the U.S. Coast Guard Auxiliary and the Havre de Grace Yacht Club, which was donated to the City’s Youth Sailing Program.


Hereshoff pram build, GRACE, featured in the WoodenBoat magazine's "Launching" section of the July/August 2024 issue, number 299 on page 88.

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