There will be another Kayaking: Ecotour class on July 17th. Register for that class here: Kayaking: Ecotour 7/17
Join others who love the Bay and want to learn more! This will be a fun and fact filled paddle along the shores of Havre de Grace . Paddle one of our kayaks while looking for birds and mammals as well as hear about the human history of this northern shore of the Chesapeake. NOTE: All gear and basic paddle and safety instruction will be provided before launch. Class is weather permitting.
All available classes:
Kayaking: Beginner Level Class - May 11
Kayaking: Historical Waterways - May 11, July 3
Kayaking: Coastal Geology of the Bay - May 18, July 10
Kayaking: Ecotour - June 1, July 17
Kayaking: Sunrise Paddles - June 8, July 24
Paddle Boarding: Introduction - June 15, July 31
Kayaking: Submerged Aquatic Vegetation (SAV) Mapping - June 22, August 7th
Please see our full calendar for each individual class posting. Registration required for each.